Disclaimer : by building it doesnt mean that i'm supporting IDF (Israeli Defence Force) with all they ve done in GAZA or other countries. This model was built without any intention of support ing everyone, everything, everycountry or everyaction related to war, discrimination, etc. This model was made just because its really nice design from julescrafter.com(paper-replika.com)
Model Specification :
Title : Merkava Mk 2 1:55 Papercraft
Designer : Julius Perdana
Builder : Yudho
Paper : Art paper 190 gsm
Adhesive : White Glue PVaC
Coloring method : Some color tone was added, using water based color paint, then finished by clear aeorosol spray
Working time : +- 25 hours
Difficulty : Hard
Other material : None
How to download : visit
paper-replika.comThe original model was in 1:33 scale. To made it 1:55 i have to resize the pattern become smaller. Merkava with reduced size is not a good idea. I were facing some difficulties when making some parts, of course because this Merkava was designed for a bigger one. Merkava combine blocky shape and curvy shape and its kind a more challenging when built in 1:55 scale, and the most challenging thing is built some cilindrical parts... Small parts made it hard to assamble, i must made some modification with flaps, reinforcement parts, and color because in this size, it's hard to make this merkava neat. Helped by extraordinary weathering effect from original model (thanks to Mr. Julius), i were adding dessert color tone to made it more "weathered". Combining several color, and realize that some colors are stonger than the others is one of the key to made a suitable color and i m still learn on it. overall i really enjoy the process and happy with the result.
It may not the best one but i've done my best :)
How big 1:55 scale is?
here you are...

Merkava Mk 2 Papercraft size
Other Side photos

Merkava Mk 2 Papercraft back view

Merkava Mk 2 Papercraft moving its turret